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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Overcoming Procrastination

Today I spent the morning meditating on what's stopping me from reaching my potential, and I concluded that it is procrastination.

Before I continue I want to define procrastination. According to dictionary.com procrastination is to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost; to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.

Not to decide is to decide.

What are you waiting for to finish that project you said you were doing that day?
What are you waiting for to start exercising?
What are you waiting for to tell your spouse, kids, parents, and love ones: "I love you!"?
What are you waiting for to write that book?
What are you waiting for to fix ________?
What are you waiting for to take care of yourself?
What are you waiting for?

Procrastination is the biggest stumbling block a person can have. "Oh, I'll do it later!"
Time is the most valuable commodity we have here
on earth, and we waste it right and left without thinking the repercussions it comes with it. When it comes to opportunities, if we don't act quickly somebody else will take the opportunity we missed by our procrastination.

Today, I want to encourage you to do or finish what you've said you were going to do or finish. We have a saying in Spanish that says: "No dejes para manana lo que puedas hacer hoy" (Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today). This is very true, we have the tendency to postpone everything for later and we end up doing absolutely nothing. This very attitude will stop us from reaching our potential and having success here on earth. We have to be determined, we have to act, and we have to do it NOW!

So, get moving and start changing the course of your life TODAY...You can do it!!

You have the decision in your hands, stop being part of the group that procrastinates and join the group of action takers...

There are 3 types of people, those who:
  1. make things happen
  2. watch things happen
  3. wonder what happened
Only one of those 3 people is successful, the rest are procrastinators...

It requires something from our part, action (work). I want to share with you 2 quotes from the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi:

"The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted in the field of battle-victorious"

I have nothing to add to these quotes, they are very powerful and self explanatory. Read them as many times as needed until they sink in in your heart and mind.

Now, in a more spiritual note I want to leave you with this portion of one of Joyce Meyer's daily devotionals I read the other day, enjoy it:

"Procrastination is one of the greatest barriers to putting God's word into action in our lives. It takes self-control to do something, and it also takes self-control not to do something. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit that comes into our lives by spending time with God. Ask God to fill you with the power of self-control in order to overcome procrastination and be a doer of the Word".


Joel O. Molina
1822 Fitness, Inc

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