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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Steps to influence people

This is a non-fitness related blogpost. But very useful if you deal with people in a regular basis.
As a business owner and Christian I am called to influence people to expand the kingdom of God and/or increase my business. My pastor Richie Vasquez talked about the power on influencing people and he gave away some practical steps on how to become people of influence in this world. I wanted to share those steps with you. Enjoy them. Leave a comment and share with me your practical steps in how you influence the people around you in a daily basis.

Steps to influence people:
1. We have to make the first move.
2. Connect by finding common ground.
3. Listen-Listen-Listen
4. Stay on task when you speak (what to say and how to say it, be wise) Right Time-Right Place-Right Spirit
5. Get their attention by saying enough to causing them to take the step you want them to take.
6. Build the bridge don't break it.

-Principles taken from John 4:7-42 and Acts 17:22-34
-Message from Pastor Richie Vasquez on 11/22/09 @ New Wine Fellowship (www.mynewwine.com)

Joel Molina
1822 Fitness, Inc.